[Testgrid] [Dmitry Savenko] 01.08.2006 DR

Dmitry Savenko prankish at gmail.com
Tue Aug 1 17:55:45 NOVST 2006

1.Testing Grid, 8 hours
- Project meeting in the SWsoft office, discussing the project with
Deriabin and two other developers involved in testing process in
SWsoft. A lot of new instructions and requirements have been received
(4 hours)
- Discussing the project meeting's results among our team, summarizing
them (2 hours)
- Some patches to the kernel thread, the simpliest version of
single-pass architecture is done (2 hours)
Total: 8 hours
Plans: to write my own summary of the project meeting (we decided that
each of us will do it), to continue improving kernel thread.

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