[Testgrid] [Dmitry Savenko] 27.07.2006 DR

Dmitry Savenko prankish at gmail.com
Thu Jul 27 17:58:08 NOVST 2006

1. Testing Grid, 8 hours
- Testing and updating suite builder (2 hour, 100% done)
- Some miscellaneous tasks with web interface (1 hours)
- Some bug fixes to the kernel subsystem (1 hour)
- Working on project localization problem (2.5 hours, unfortunately no
appropriate solution has been found, decided to continue this work in
- Preparing to stress-testing (building suites etc) (1.5 hour)
Total: 8 hours
Plans: to analyze the result of stress testing, may be some bugs will
be found, to continue work on localization problem.

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