Berkeley DB
version 4.3.29

Uses of Class

Packages that use DatabaseEntry
com.sleepycat.bind Bindings between database entries and Java objects. 
com.sleepycat.bind.serial Bindings that use Java serialization. 
com.sleepycat.bind.tuple Bindings that use sequences of primitive fields, or tuples. 
com.sleepycat.collections Data access based on the standard Java collections API. 
com.sleepycat.db Berkeley DB Java API
[reference guide] [Java programming notes]

Uses of DatabaseEntry in com.sleepycat.bind

Methods in com.sleepycat.bind with parameters of type DatabaseEntry
 Object RecordNumberBinding.entryToObject(DatabaseEntry entry)
 void RecordNumberBinding.objectToEntry(Object object, DatabaseEntry entry)
static long RecordNumberBinding.entryToRecordNumber(DatabaseEntry entry)
          Utility method for use by bindings to translate a entry buffer to an record number integer.
static void RecordNumberBinding.recordNumberToEntry(long recordNumber, DatabaseEntry entry)
          Utility method for use by bindings to translate a record number integer to a entry buffer.
 Object EntryBinding.entryToObject(DatabaseEntry entry)
          Converts a entry buffer into an Object.
 void EntryBinding.objectToEntry(Object object, DatabaseEntry entry)
          Converts an Object into a entry buffer.
 Object EntityBinding.entryToObject(DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry data)
          Converts key and data entry buffers into an entity Object.
 void EntityBinding.objectToKey(Object object, DatabaseEntry key)
          Extracts the key entry from an entity Object.
 void EntityBinding.objectToData(Object object, DatabaseEntry data)
          Extracts the data entry from an entity Object.
 Object ByteArrayBinding.entryToObject(DatabaseEntry entry)
 void ByteArrayBinding.objectToEntry(Object object, DatabaseEntry entry)

Uses of DatabaseEntry in com.sleepycat.bind.serial

Methods in com.sleepycat.bind.serial with parameters of type DatabaseEntry
 boolean TupleSerialKeyCreator.createSecondaryKey(SecondaryDatabase db, DatabaseEntry primaryKeyEntry, DatabaseEntry dataEntry, DatabaseEntry indexKeyEntry)
 boolean TupleSerialKeyCreator.nullifyForeignKey(SecondaryDatabase db, DatabaseEntry dataEntry)
 Object TupleSerialBinding.entryToObject(DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry data)
 void TupleSerialBinding.objectToKey(Object object, DatabaseEntry key)
 void TupleSerialBinding.objectToData(Object object, DatabaseEntry data)
 boolean SerialSerialKeyCreator.createSecondaryKey(SecondaryDatabase db, DatabaseEntry primaryKeyEntry, DatabaseEntry dataEntry, DatabaseEntry indexKeyEntry)
 boolean SerialSerialKeyCreator.nullifyForeignKey(SecondaryDatabase db, DatabaseEntry dataEntry)
 Object SerialSerialBinding.entryToObject(DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry data)
 void SerialSerialBinding.objectToKey(Object object, DatabaseEntry key)
 void SerialSerialBinding.objectToData(Object object, DatabaseEntry data)
 Object SerialBinding.entryToObject(DatabaseEntry entry)
          Deserialize an object from an entry buffer.
 void SerialBinding.objectToEntry(Object object, DatabaseEntry entry)
          Serialize an object into an entry buffer.

Uses of DatabaseEntry in com.sleepycat.bind.tuple

Methods in com.sleepycat.bind.tuple with parameters of type DatabaseEntry
 boolean TupleTupleKeyCreator.createSecondaryKey(SecondaryDatabase db, DatabaseEntry primaryKeyEntry, DatabaseEntry dataEntry, DatabaseEntry indexKeyEntry)
 boolean TupleTupleKeyCreator.nullifyForeignKey(SecondaryDatabase db, DatabaseEntry dataEntry)
 Object TupleTupleBinding.entryToObject(DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry data)
 void TupleTupleBinding.objectToKey(Object object, DatabaseEntry key)
 void TupleTupleBinding.objectToData(Object object, DatabaseEntry data)
 Object TupleInputBinding.entryToObject(DatabaseEntry entry)
 void TupleInputBinding.objectToEntry(Object object, DatabaseEntry entry)
 Object TupleBinding.entryToObject(DatabaseEntry entry)
 void TupleBinding.objectToEntry(Object object, DatabaseEntry entry)
static void TupleBinding.outputToEntry(TupleOutput output, DatabaseEntry entry)
          Utility method to set the data in a entry buffer to the data in a tuple output object.
static void TupleBinding.inputToEntry(TupleInput input, DatabaseEntry entry)
          Utility method to set the data in a entry buffer to the data in a tuple input object.
static TupleInput TupleBinding.entryToInput(DatabaseEntry entry)
          Utility method to create a new tuple input object for reading the data from a given buffer.
 void StringBinding.objectToEntry(Object object, DatabaseEntry entry)
static String StringBinding.entryToString(DatabaseEntry entry)
          Converts an entry buffer into a simple String value.
static void StringBinding.stringToEntry(String val, DatabaseEntry entry)
          Converts a simple String value into an entry buffer.
 void ShortBinding.objectToEntry(Object object, DatabaseEntry entry)
static short ShortBinding.entryToShort(DatabaseEntry entry)
          Converts an entry buffer into a simple short value.
static void ShortBinding.shortToEntry(short val, DatabaseEntry entry)
          Converts a simple short value into an entry buffer.
 void LongBinding.objectToEntry(Object object, DatabaseEntry entry)
static long LongBinding.entryToLong(DatabaseEntry entry)
          Converts an entry buffer into a simple long value.
static void LongBinding.longToEntry(long val, DatabaseEntry entry)
          Converts a simple long value into an entry buffer.
 void IntegerBinding.objectToEntry(Object object, DatabaseEntry entry)
static int IntegerBinding.entryToInt(DatabaseEntry entry)
          Converts an entry buffer into a simple int value.
static void IntegerBinding.intToEntry(int val, DatabaseEntry entry)
          Converts a simple int value into an entry buffer.
 void FloatBinding.objectToEntry(Object object, DatabaseEntry entry)
static float FloatBinding.entryToFloat(DatabaseEntry entry)
          Converts an entry buffer into a simple float value.
static void FloatBinding.floatToEntry(float val, DatabaseEntry entry)
          Converts a simple float value into an entry buffer.
 void DoubleBinding.objectToEntry(Object object, DatabaseEntry entry)
static double DoubleBinding.entryToDouble(DatabaseEntry entry)
          Converts an entry buffer into a simple double value.
static void DoubleBinding.doubleToEntry(double val, DatabaseEntry entry)
          Converts a simple double value into an entry buffer.
 void CharacterBinding.objectToEntry(Object object, DatabaseEntry entry)
static char CharacterBinding.entryToChar(DatabaseEntry entry)
          Converts an entry buffer into a simple char value.
static void CharacterBinding.charToEntry(char val, DatabaseEntry entry)
          Converts a simple char value into an entry buffer.
 void ByteBinding.objectToEntry(Object object, DatabaseEntry entry)
static byte ByteBinding.entryToByte(DatabaseEntry entry)
          Converts an entry buffer into a simple byte value.
static void ByteBinding.byteToEntry(byte val, DatabaseEntry entry)
          Converts a simple byte value into an entry buffer.
 void BooleanBinding.objectToEntry(Object object, DatabaseEntry entry)
static boolean BooleanBinding.entryToBoolean(DatabaseEntry entry)
          Converts an entry buffer into a simple boolean value.
static void BooleanBinding.booleanToEntry(boolean val, DatabaseEntry entry)
          Converts a simple boolean value into an entry buffer.

Uses of DatabaseEntry in com.sleepycat.collections

Methods in com.sleepycat.collections with parameters of type DatabaseEntry
 void PrimaryKeyAssigner.assignKey(DatabaseEntry keyData)
          Assigns a new primary key value into the given data buffer.

Uses of DatabaseEntry in com.sleepycat.db

Subclasses of DatabaseEntry in com.sleepycat.db
 class MultipleDataEntry
          A DatabaseEntry that holds multiple data items returned by a single Database or Cursor get call.
 class MultipleEntry
          An abstract class representing a DatabaseEntry that holds multiple results returned by a single Cursor get method.
 class MultipleKeyDataEntry
          A DatabaseEntry that holds multiple key/data pairs returned by a single Database or Cursor get call.
 class MultipleRecnoDataEntry
          A DatabaseEntry that holds multiple record number/data pairs returned by a single Database or Cursor get call.

Methods in com.sleepycat.db that return DatabaseEntry
 DatabaseEntry Sequence.getKey()
          Return the DatabaseEntry used to open this sequence.
 DatabaseEntry ReplicationStatus.getCData()
          Whenever the system receives contact information from a new environment, a copy of the opaque data specified in the cdata parameter to the Environment.startReplication is available from the getCDAta method.
 DatabaseEntry MemoryException.getDatabaseEntry()
          Returns the DatabaseEntry object with insufficient memory to complete the operation to complete the operation.
 DatabaseEntry LockRequest.getObj()
          Return the lock object.
 DatabaseEntry LockNotGrantedException.getObj()
          Returns the object parameter when Environment.getLock was called, and returns the object for the failed LockRequest when Environment.lockVector was called.

Methods in com.sleepycat.db with parameters of type DatabaseEntry
 boolean SecondaryKeyCreator.createSecondaryKey(SecondaryDatabase secondary, DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry data, DatabaseEntry result)
          Creates a secondary key entry, given a primary key and data entry.
 OperationStatus SecondaryDatabase.get(Transaction txn, DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry pKey, DatabaseEntry data, LockMode lockMode)
          Retrieves the key/data pair with the given key.
 OperationStatus SecondaryDatabase.getSearchBoth(Transaction txn, DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry pKey, DatabaseEntry data, LockMode lockMode)
          Retrieves the key/data pair with the specified secondary and primary key, that is, both the primary and secondary key items must match.
 OperationStatus SecondaryDatabase.getSearchRecordNumber(Transaction txn, DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry pKey, DatabaseEntry data, LockMode lockMode)
          Retrieves the key/data pair associated with the specific numbered record of the database.
 OperationStatus SecondaryCursor.getCurrent(DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry pKey, DatabaseEntry data, LockMode lockMode)
          Returns the key/data pair to which the cursor refers.
 OperationStatus SecondaryCursor.getFirst(DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry pKey, DatabaseEntry data, LockMode lockMode)
          Move the cursor to the first key/data pair of the database, and return that pair.
 OperationStatus SecondaryCursor.getLast(DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry pKey, DatabaseEntry data, LockMode lockMode)
          Move the cursor to the last key/data pair of the database, and return that pair.
 OperationStatus SecondaryCursor.getNext(DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry pKey, DatabaseEntry data, LockMode lockMode)
          Move the cursor to the next key/data pair and return that pair.
 OperationStatus SecondaryCursor.getNextDup(DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry pKey, DatabaseEntry data, LockMode lockMode)
          If the next key/data pair of the database is a duplicate data record for the current key/data pair, move the cursor to the next key/data pair of the database and return that pair.
 OperationStatus SecondaryCursor.getNextNoDup(DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry pKey, DatabaseEntry data, LockMode lockMode)
          Move the cursor to the next non-duplicate key/data pair and return that pair.
 OperationStatus SecondaryCursor.getPrev(DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry pKey, DatabaseEntry data, LockMode lockMode)
          Move the cursor to the previous key/data pair and return that pair.
 OperationStatus SecondaryCursor.getPrevDup(DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry pKey, DatabaseEntry data, LockMode lockMode)
          If the previous key/data pair of the database is a duplicate data record for the current key/data pair, move the cursor to the previous key/data pair of the database and return that pair.
 OperationStatus SecondaryCursor.getPrevNoDup(DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry pKey, DatabaseEntry data, LockMode lockMode)
          Move the cursor to the previous non-duplicate key/data pair and return that pair.
 OperationStatus SecondaryCursor.getSearchKey(DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry pKey, DatabaseEntry data, LockMode lockMode)
          Move the cursor to the given key of the database, and return the datum associated with the given key.
 OperationStatus SecondaryCursor.getSearchKeyRange(DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry pKey, DatabaseEntry data, LockMode lockMode)
          Move the cursor to the closest matching key of the database, and return the data item associated with the matching key.
 OperationStatus SecondaryCursor.getSearchBoth(DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry pKey, DatabaseEntry data, LockMode lockMode)
          Move the cursor to the specified secondary and primary key, where both the primary and secondary key items must match.
 OperationStatus SecondaryCursor.getSearchBothRange(DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry pKey, DatabaseEntry data, LockMode lockMode)
          Move the cursor to the specified secondary key and closest matching primary key of the database.
 OperationStatus SecondaryCursor.getRecordNumber(DatabaseEntry secondaryRecno, DatabaseEntry primaryRecno, LockMode lockMode)
          Return the record number associated with the cursor.
 OperationStatus SecondaryCursor.getSearchRecordNumber(DatabaseEntry secondaryRecno, DatabaseEntry pKey, DatabaseEntry data, LockMode lockMode)
          Move the cursor to the specific numbered record of the database, and return the associated key/data pair.
 int ReplicationTransport.send(Environment environment, DatabaseEntry control, DatabaseEntry rec, LogSequenceNumber lsn, int envid, boolean noBuffer, boolean permanent)
          The callback used when Berkeley DB needs to transmit a replication message.
 void RecordNumberAppender.appendRecordNumber(Database db, DatabaseEntry data, int recno)
          A callback function to modify the stored database based on the generated key.
 boolean recno, DatabaseEntry data)
          Get the next record number/data pair in the returned set.
 boolean key, DatabaseEntry data)
          Get the next key/data pair in the returned set.
 boolean data)
          Get the next data element in the returned set.
 int LogRecordHandler.handleLogRecord(Environment environment, DatabaseEntry logRecord, LogSequenceNumber lsn, RecoveryOperation operation)
 OperationStatus LogCursor.getCurrent(LogSequenceNumber lsn, DatabaseEntry data)
          Return the LogSequenceNumber and log record to which the log cursor currently refers.
 OperationStatus LogCursor.getNext(LogSequenceNumber lsn, DatabaseEntry data)
          Return the next LogSequenceNumber and log record.
 OperationStatus LogCursor.getFirst(LogSequenceNumber lsn, DatabaseEntry data)
          Return the first LogSequenceNumber and log record.
 OperationStatus LogCursor.getLast(LogSequenceNumber lsn, DatabaseEntry data)
          Return the last LogSequenceNumber and log record.
 OperationStatus LogCursor.getPrev(LogSequenceNumber lsn, DatabaseEntry data)
          Return the previous LogSequenceNumber and log record.
 OperationStatus LogCursor.set(LogSequenceNumber lsn, DatabaseEntry data)
          Return a specific log record.
 void LockRequest.setObj(DatabaseEntry obj)
          Set the lock object.
 OperationStatus JoinCursor.getNext(DatabaseEntry key, LockMode lockMode)
          Returns the next primary key resulting from the join operation.
 OperationStatus JoinCursor.getNext(DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry data, LockMode lockMode)
          Returns the next primary key and data resulting from the join operation.
 Lock Environment.getLock(int locker, boolean noWait, DatabaseEntry object, LockRequestMode mode)
          Acquire a lock from the lock table.
 ReplicationStatus Environment.processReplicationMessage(DatabaseEntry control, DatabaseEntry rec, int envid)
          Process an incoming replication message sent by a member of the replication group to the local database environment.
 void Environment.startReplication(DatabaseEntry cdata, boolean master)
          Configure the database environment as a client or master in a group of replicated database environments.
 LogSequenceNumber Environment.logPut(DatabaseEntry data, boolean flush)
          Append a record to the log.
 OperationStatus Database.delete(Transaction txn, DatabaseEntry key)
          Remove key/data pairs from the database.
 OperationStatus Database.get(Transaction txn, DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry data, LockMode lockMode)
          Retrieves the key/data pair with the given key.
 OperationStatus Database.getSearchBoth(Transaction txn, DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry data, LockMode lockMode)
          Retrieves the key/data pair with the given key and data value, that is, both the key and data items must match.
 OperationStatus Database.put(Transaction txn, DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry data)
           Store the key/data pair into the database.
 OperationStatus Database.append(Transaction txn, DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry data)
           Append the key/data pair to the end of the database.
 OperationStatus Database.putNoOverwrite(Transaction txn, DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry data)
           Store the key/data pair into the database if the key does not already appear in the database.
 OperationStatus Database.putNoDupData(Transaction txn, DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry data)
           Store the key/data pair into the database if it does not already appear in the database.
 Sequence Database.openSequence(Transaction txn, DatabaseEntry key, SequenceConfig sequenceConfig)
          Open a sequence in the database.
 void Database.removeSequence(Transaction txn, DatabaseEntry key, SequenceConfig sequenceConfig)
          Remove the sequence from the database.
 OperationStatus Database.consume(Transaction txn, DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry data, boolean wait)
          Return the record number and data from the available record closest to the head of the queue, and delete the record.
 KeyRange Database.getKeyRange(Transaction txn, DatabaseEntry key)
          Return an estimate of the proportion of keys in the database less than, equal to, and greater than the specified key.
 OperationStatus Database.getSearchRecordNumber(Transaction txn, DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry data, LockMode lockMode)
          Retrieves the key/data pair associated with the specific numbered record of the database.
 OperationStatus Cursor.put(DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry data)
          Store a key/data pair into the database.
 OperationStatus Cursor.putNoOverwrite(DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry data)
          Store a key/data pair into the database.
 OperationStatus Cursor.putNoDupData(DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry data)
          Store a key/data pair into the database.
 OperationStatus Cursor.putCurrent(DatabaseEntry data)
          Store a key/data pair into the database.
 OperationStatus Cursor.putAfter(DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry data)
          Store a key/data pair into the database.
 OperationStatus Cursor.putBefore(DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry data)
          Store a key/data pair into the database.
 OperationStatus Cursor.putKeyFirst(DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry data)
          Store a key/data pair into the database.
 OperationStatus Cursor.putKeyLast(DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry data)
          Store a key/data pair into the database.
 OperationStatus Cursor.getCurrent(DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry data, LockMode lockMode)
          Returns the key/data pair to which the cursor refers.
 OperationStatus Cursor.getFirst(DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry data, LockMode lockMode)
          Move the cursor to the first key/data pair of the database, and return that pair.
 OperationStatus Cursor.getLast(DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry data, LockMode lockMode)
          Move the cursor to the last key/data pair of the database, and return that pair.
 OperationStatus Cursor.getNext(DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry data, LockMode lockMode)
          Move the cursor to the next key/data pair and return that pair.
 OperationStatus Cursor.getNextDup(DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry data, LockMode lockMode)
          If the next key/data pair of the database is a duplicate data record for the current key/data pair, move the cursor to the next key/data pair of the database and return that pair.
 OperationStatus Cursor.getNextNoDup(DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry data, LockMode lockMode)
          Move the cursor to the next non-duplicate key/data pair and return that pair.
 OperationStatus Cursor.getPrev(DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry data, LockMode lockMode)
          Move the cursor to the previous key/data pair and return that pair.
 OperationStatus Cursor.getPrevDup(DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry data, LockMode lockMode)
          If the previous key/data pair of the database is a duplicate data record for the current key/data pair, move the cursor to the previous key/data pair of the database and return that pair.
 OperationStatus Cursor.getPrevNoDup(DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry data, LockMode lockMode)
          Move the cursor to the previous non-duplicate key/data pair and return that pair.
 OperationStatus Cursor.getSearchKey(DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry data, LockMode lockMode)
          Move the cursor to the given key of the database, and return the datum associated with the given key.
 OperationStatus Cursor.getSearchKeyRange(DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry data, LockMode lockMode)
          Move the cursor to the closest matching key of the database, and return the data item associated with the matching key.
 OperationStatus Cursor.getSearchBoth(DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry data, LockMode lockMode)
          Move the cursor to the specified key/data pair, where both the key and data items must match.
 OperationStatus Cursor.getSearchBothRange(DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry data, LockMode lockMode)
          Move the cursor to the specified key and closest matching data item of the database.
 OperationStatus Cursor.getRecordNumber(DatabaseEntry data, LockMode lockMode)
          Return the record number associated with the cursor.
 OperationStatus Cursor.getSearchRecordNumber(DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry data, LockMode lockMode)
          Move the cursor to the specific numbered record of the database, and return the associated key/data pair.
 int BtreePrefixCalculator.prefix(Database db, DatabaseEntry dbt1, DatabaseEntry dbt2)
          The application-specific Btree prefix callback.

Constructors in com.sleepycat.db with parameters of type DatabaseEntry
LockRequest(LockOperation op, LockRequestMode mode, DatabaseEntry obj, Lock lock)
          Construct a LockRequest with the specified operation, mode and lock, for the specified object.
LockRequest(LockOperation op, LockRequestMode mode, DatabaseEntry obj, Lock lock, int timeout)
          Construct a LockRequest with the specified operation, mode, lock and timeout for the specified object.

Berkeley DB
version 4.3.29

Copyright (c) 1996-2004 Sleepycat Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.