[Testgrid] [Dmitry Savenko] 03.07.2006 DR

Dmitry Savenko prankish at gmail.com
Mon Jul 3 17:56:17 NOVST 2006

1. Morning meeting (0.5 hour)
2. Testing grid project (7.5 hours)
- Restoring web-site after server's disk crash, making workspace
(restoring home directory, installing necessary programs) (2 hours)
- Discussing project, remembering what to do, project meeting with
Irtegov D.V. (2 hours)
- Making project plan: discussing components' architecture and their
functionality, making Gantt diagram of the future works. (3.5 hours)

Total: 8 hours
Plans: making interfaces between transport and core layers and core
and DB layers, starting to write core layer.

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