[Testgrid] [Dmitry Kadashev] 03.07.2006 DR

Dmitry Kadashev reaf.wr at gmail.com
Mon Jul 3 18:01:01 NOVST 2006

1. Morning meeting, 0.5 hour
2. Testing Grid project, 7.5 hours
 - Discussing project with team, remembering current project status
and ways to go on, meeting with Dmitry Irtegov (2 hours)
 - Reading overview of j2ee (1 hour)
 - Thinking about ways to make client part of project (1 hour)
 - Reading javadocs and cookbook for JUnit (2.5 hours)
 - Trying to make simple JUnit unit-test (1 hour, succeed)

Total: 8 hours
Plans: to research JUnit framework deeper, to begin writing test
launching part of client

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