This is an SNC file format
Definitions :
[expr] : means expr may or may not be present
[expr]+ : means expr may present more than zero times
(expr1 | expr2) : means either expr1 or expr2 can be used
File structure:
([!wait n_sec] | [alias_to_add duration_type duration] | [!clear] | [--comment])*;
Header ::= (Alias_header);
Alias_header ::= "!begin alias" [Alias_name filename mix_coeff]+ "!end alias";
Alias_name ::= [A..Za..z0..9#/_]+
Mix_coeff ::= any float from 0.0 to 1.0
N_sec ::= 0.0..60.0
Alias_to_add ::= alias_name // Previously defined alias
Duration_type ::= (r | a)
// if r - a percent of alias varying from 0.0 to 1.0 will be played, if a - a number of second will be taken from file, -1 meaning full alias should be played
Duration ::= (-1 | 0.0.. 60.0)
!wait render n_sec seconds
!clear stop all sounds